Sunday, January 22, 2006


New Year's 2006
For New Year's eve, we had a nice quiet gathering of soome very good friends -
Joe and Diana, Curt and Karine, and ourselves.

After spending the early evening chatting, we found our way out to the hot tub to see in 2006.

Afterwards, we came in to play poker and Curt did some very memorable dancing!

What a way to start the New Year!

Thank you all for making it such a great night!

Christmas 2005

We spent Christmas in Nanaimo with Bre's Mom and Dad. It was a wonderful week of lots of laughs, too much food, and relaxation!

The stockings were too heavy to be hung, and Santa must have known that Mom's dog, Gaby, would have happily munched everything that might be food if he left them under the tree!

Stocking Time!!

We had a great Christams!! Thank you to everyone for cards, gifts and your thoughts!