Saturday, August 27, 2005

Flower Power Update

The First Guys Night Out

James and Brice took the camper out for the night. We decided to check out the Starlight Drive In. We went to see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, a movie James had gone to see when he was almost the same age as Brice. The movie back then stared Gene Wilder and was much more lower tech. Both movies had singing Ompaloompas though! We parked the truck and Camper at the back of the drive in, tuned in the radio to hear the sound track and sat in the truck eating popcorn and drinking beer. Brice had alcohol free of course! You can check out the drive in at:

The second movie was the Dukes of Hazard – not one that James could recommend – but Brice thought it was pretty cool!

We then went boondocking ( we found a field to pull up in and went to sleep for the night!

Bre stayed at home and had a couple of friends over for a girls night. She can add details if she wants!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Aug 21, 2005

Finally we got to visit with Annie, the famous Marchi daughter. Bre hadn’t yet met her, and wasn’t surprised that she lived up to expectations. John and Betty Ann have done an incredible job raising a ‘FABULOUS’ young woman!! We also both got to meet her boyfriend, Glen, who was very complimentary to Annie’s dramatic, exciting style. We sat up late, chatting, catching up, drinking wine… a very good night was had by all!

Also, Bre had finished building her luxury budgie condo. After getting it finished the first time, she then discovered that galvanized chicken wire is poisonous to birds... :( After ripping apart, and recovering her condo with plastic coated aluminum mosquito netting, the birdies, Captian Beaky and Miss Cleo, were intorduced to their new home. Beaky boy is not 100% sure of the mysterious door in the side of his cage, but Princess Cleo loves her new home!

Flower Power Update

Flower Power Update

There is a a guy driving cross Canada to promote the use of Bio Diesel – and he is going to be filled up by Flower Power tomorrow. Here’s the press release!

August 22th, 2005COAST TO COAST ON BIODIESEL ARRIVES IN VERNONVernon, British Columbia, August 22th, 2005; As the price of fuel reachesnew heights and the number of smog advisories increase, wouldn’t it begreat if there was a fuel that could decrease tailpipe emissions in everydiesel engine on the road today? What if the cost of using this fuel wasthe same as other existing fuels?This summer, Johannes Wheeldon will attempt to go coast to coast onbiodiesel to promote this viable and environmentally friendly alternativefuel. Wheeldon began in Halifax, NS on July 10, 2005 and will continue onto Vancouver, BC using varying biodiesel blends, ranging from B5 (5%biodiesel) to B100 (100% biodiesel).Throughout the journey, Wheeldon is working to develop a Canadian networkof biodiesel enthusiasts. Listed on a new web resource(, these enthusiasts can encourage the use of biodiesel throughout Canada by working to bring biodiesel to their community.
This week, Wheeldon is in Vernon in his cross country journey, filling up and discussing the potential for this fuel with Vernon based Flower Power Oil Inc.
Diesel engines power transport trucks, school and public transport buses,ferries, generators, and an increasing number of passenger vehicles. Biodiesel, an alternative fuel made from vegetable oil, can run in any of these engines and can be mixed with any amount of regular diesel fuel.Today a B20 mixture is the same price as regular diesel, but burns morethan 20 percent cleaner, reducing tailpipes emissions and smog by loweringthe amount of hydrocarbons released when driving.Biodiesel is widely used in Europe and increasingly available in theUnited States. In Canada, while some cities use biodiesel to power busesand other forms of public transportation, it is not widely available toconsumers and is not yet part of any Federal energy reform strategy.Because it can be grown and processed in Canada, used in any diesel engineand significantly reduce pollution, the immediacy of its benefits providebiodiesel with a natural advantage over many other green alternatives.For more information about biodiesel, its uses, and how community groupscan become more involved check out a new web resource(
To follow Johannes’ journey, check out his new blog (
To contact Johannes Wheeldon for media coverage, email him( or call him at 613 863 8578 or contact James Stuart, at Flower Power Oil, or

Facts about Biodiesel:Biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel, produced fromdomestic renewable resources.Biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions, lowers hydrocarbonsand particulate matter.Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at anylevel with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. Biodiesel can be used in diesel engines with no modifications andis simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur. Biodiesel is similar in price to regular petrodiesel and burnscleaner, reducing tailpipe emissions and smog.Four reasons to use Biodiesel:1. By promoting and increasing Canadian made solutions to our energydemands, biodiesel limits our dependence on unstable foreign sources ofoil.2. Biodiesel can be used as heating fuel in any oil-burning furnaceand is an increasingly viable alternative as oil reaches record-highprices.3. Biodiesel could create opportunities for regional investment inthe fuel sector, create new markets for farmers, and increase interest inmore efficient biodiesel production.4. Diesel engines are used in school buses, public transport, boatsand ships, back-up generators, and in passenger cars. Biodiesel can beused for all of these purposes at no extra cost and with importantenvironmental benefits.
For more

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Eagle Bay Camp Trip 2005

Brice is home from camp!! YAY!!
We all missed him terribly!! He is happy to be home, and has eagerly returned to hanging out with his neighbourhood buddies, and building stuff like his go-cart, which will likely never 'go'.
He went tubing, climbing, did archery, did funny skits with the other boys at camp, and had WAY too much fun. This seems to be becoming a yearly event... I am sure he is already looking forward to next year!

This is Shuswap Lake beach at Eagle Bay camp, the site of much
fun that has been had by coutless boys and girls over the years.

This is the on-site climbing wall that has been built to entertain and occupy the kids as they try not to spend their days pining away that they miss their moms and dads. (Do you really think they would? It is very unlikely!!)

And, of course, last but not least, the much needed trip to the lost and found to retrieve Brice's towel and pillow which were the only big, obvious things that we could tell weren't packed in his bag. It is amazing sometimes that he remembers to eat and have fun... he seems to forget everything else!! :)

Till next year!

Friday, August 19, 2005

August 19

Well its been quite an eventful couple of days – Brice is at Camp – and we went to see two movies – and they were both good.

First we went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith – Bre thinks Brad is a jerk, but we both like Angelina. I would like to order the entire wardrobe that Miss. Jolie had for Bre.

The other one we went to see was 40 Year Old Virgin. Very funny. Not quite Oscar material but still a good one.

Brice is back in the morning and we’re heading up to get him – Bre is actually missing him, it will be nice to have the small handful back – though don’t let him know we have missed the chaos and mayhem ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2005


First half

It is a busy month for Brice!! Along with the extended biking, swimming and fort building, he must take time off for his golf lessons, and a week long camp!! God, such a tough life this boy has… sheesh!!

His two day golf camp that his Papa sent him to was a real hit! His buddy Linden (who had been in his kindergarten / grade one class, as well as in hockey during grade one / two classes) was a comforting sight upon arrival. He was a little nervous about not knowing anyone, but really wanted some guidance to improve his skill! After whacking wiffle balls in the back yard he was ready to learn how to do it properly!

Right now, he is at Eagle Bay camp with Ryan, his best buddy since kindergarten. He has been looking forward to this trip since last year when they went together as well! The week prior to him going away was almost painful! He was so wound up and excited!! Bre and James look forward to hearing how things went for him! They have gotten so much done with him away, but are starting to miss him slightly.

Brice will not recognize that back yard when he gets home. Bre has started her next round of therapy with leveling and perfecting the backyard prior to turfing it. Lots of dirt movement and relocation and destruction of out buildings! It looks fantastic, as long as you can imagine grass!!


Well, the month of July is continuing to get even hotter… We live overlooking the lake; you’d think we’d go swimming more often!! More biking and X-Box-ing for Brice. He has been spending huge amounts of time around the neighbourhood with all his buddies building tree forts in the back field, swimming in his buddies’ pools, keeping in close contact with Mom with his walkie talkie which allows him more freedom.

We had the arrival of another new family member... our budgie, Captain Beaky, flew in for a visit and decided to stay. Brice caught him out in the front yard, and after no one claimed him we decided to keep him! Welcome to the menagerie!

We made a trip down to visit Ann (Bre’s mom) and Steve ( her dad) for an extended weekend at the beginning of the month. More eating and relaxing being spoiled by the wonderful company and fantastic food!

They had left a vehicle over on the mainland and had planned to leave Brice at Nana’s while they headed off to deliver it to California and have a nice road trip. Plans fell thru and James went to pick up the SUV and bring it over to sell in Nanaimo. The ferry ahead of James has an engine failure and managed to crash into the marina near the ferry terminal, holding up ferry traffic ALL DAY!! The ferry James was on sat out in the water for about 8 hours before letting the passengers off. At that point, he would have been waiting days to get him and the Montero back across, so he came straight back over without even setting foot on dry land. Poor guy!! When traffic died down a little, he and Bre headed over on the last ferry with sleeping bags, set out to go camping in the Montero that night and catch the first ferry in the morning before it got too busy. They had a very ‘interestingly exciting’ trip, and discovered that Bre was NEVER again to eat garlic tops. (Especially when confined to a small, closed space)

James and his diesel facility kept gradually getting bigger and bigger! He moved into a commercial location (Bre was very happy to have him not creating oil slicks at the house anymore!!) and after setting up and accumulating the required equipment, sales finally began!! Things are still moving slowly, and after one step forward and three steps sideways, they keep going ahead with only minor frustration!


The weather is getting more and more Okanagan like… hotter and hotter!! Brice is continuing to bike his little brains out in the neighbourhood, hitting jumps wherever possible, as long as they were near the house! Last thing we need is a boy crawling home from a couple blocks away with a broken leg after hitting a jump that was too big!! It probably WILL happen… all we can do is make sure he is close to home when it does!

Early in June, we had a special delivery!! Bryn, such a silly, strange dog… Bre was sat at the computer doing James’ books, and dropped two baby quail at her feet! One of them unfortunately did not make it due to what was thought to be a broken neck. The other one, named Kamikaze (from jumping out of a tree), was sweet as could be, and was well taken care of – fed every couple hours and kept warm under a heat light upstairs in the living room. He developed a chest infection of sorts, and within hours, after a few tears by both Bre and Brice, was buried in the back yard by Brice.

And, finally, Brice is finally finished grade 3!! He is so happy and relieved to be out of school! Bre and James were extremely proud of him for his much improved report card, due mostly to his extra effort reading and listening, and very little sugar in his diet! The loss of sugar was hard on him at first, but as he became more and more aware of the effects it seemed to have, he was happy to be more stable and normal without it! He seems to have an intolerance to it and it turns him into this hyper-active little monster! He is much more predictable and easier to deal with now without it!!

L-R Issiah's head, Brice, Bryn, and Jian in the Rec Room.

Brice doing target practice at the "custom" outdoor shower.

Kev and Bev

L-R Bryn, Bre, Brice, and Issah in the hamocks


We took another leap into the unknown and bought the mobile guest suite. It sits beside the hose as the Presidential suite when Terry (Bre’s dad) visits – it allows him to create his own comfort zone without annoying Bre……too much at least! At other times it is found on the back of the truck. Its …. Wait for it ….. a camper.

Complete with tacky 70’s finishing – well not any more – its now been completely redone in tasteful, leftover pastels – and made for a great


Everyone hopped in it for the May long weekend – Brice managed to drag Issiah ( another small buddy) along, and somehow Bev and Kev showed up as well, with Jian and Penny (Dogs) to keep Bryn (also a dog, though she’s pretty sure that she is some sort of small furry step child….) company.

Bev and Kev bought the mobile rec room with them (their van) (designed for both adults and children) but somehow everyone seemed to get a bit confused on the sleeping arrangements, and where the cabana was located.

Garry, Christine, Jason and Nicolette (firends of James) were located in the next campsite over. They were having their annual may long weekend campout. Nicolette managed to steal the limelight by getting engaged.


It came in with a bang, the crowds were lined down the street... well Betty and John made it as the legally required witnesses. John did a great job as photographer – James and Bre didn't have to worry about it at all!.

Their J.P.- Florence was totally into it, she reminded everyone of Tweety birds' granny. As a celebration, the new couple went out that evening to celebrate and made some new friends – Bev and Kev from Salmon Arm. Not quite sure how we bumped into them in Vernon – that’s a story for another time J


The weather stared to warm up – spring has sprung! We met with Kyle – our now long suffering lawyer to start the process of adopting Brice. He pointed out in the office that things would look much better if James and Bre were married, so after a couple of moments of thought the momentous date was picked – April 1st, partly as an easy date to remember, and partly in remembrance of Grandmother Mary.

Then the most important part of the year arrived – Brice turned 9. There were wild celebrations in the city of Vernon – the crowds came out to celebrate – well Brice and a bunch of his friends celebrated. They ate copious amounts of food, went to the BMX track where Brice managed to try out his new bike. All came back, and spent the night trashing the rec room with popcorn, and ended up coloring each other in with fake eyebrows and big curly mustaches and other things. No one would admit to starting it – but it seemed like a great idea at the time….

Flower Power still absorbed $ - no sign of diesel yet…


Winter continues – to be totally overshadowed by the second most important event of the year (according to Brice anyway). Bre’s birthday. She passed the ripe old age of 27 seasons. Looking better than ever, and causing James as usual to fret about the age difference. A few days later a much quieter event arrived, and managed to pass by with a minimum of fuss, and hoopla. The hand shuddered round one more year to come on the now fading number 41. The great thing for both of them is that James acts and looks like a thirty something as does Bre. Its just a number (they have to keep telling themselves the same thing about the bank balance as well!) We managed to spend a long weekend in Whistler at Intrawest – many thanks to Bre’s dad.

Flower Power continued to absorb $ - and not generate any diesel…


The weather was its normal not so warm self, we are all learning to snowboard – with mixed success. Brice of course has no problems mastering. With the total lack of fear of an eight year old he was busily flying down the hill as fast as he could go. Minor details like stopping or turning were something that he needed to check out later.

Brice took a leap into the unknown and joined Cubs.

We also took a trip to eat, and eat, in Nanaimo. Bre’s mother as usual took it as a complete challenge to see how great food she could make and how much.

We decided to take a BIG leap into the unknown and start up The Flower Power Oil Company. This was going to be a company that made diesel from waste vegetable oil. Bre thought James was nuts, but was prepared to let him take a go at it! Much time was spent by James researching what was possible – but no sign of any diesel yet. Though he did manage to buy a big Dodge diesel pickup…..

Welcome to the home of the Stuarts on the World Wide Web! We have failed miserably in keeping everyone up to date with what we are doing by individual email – se we have decided to try this way to keep everyone all over the world up to date with what is going on with us in Vernon !

Soooo, where to start.

The last few months have bee very hectic – so a good place to start would be at the beginning – of the year. 2005…..