Monday, August 22, 2005

Flower Power Update

Flower Power Update

There is a a guy driving cross Canada to promote the use of Bio Diesel – and he is going to be filled up by Flower Power tomorrow. Here’s the press release!

August 22th, 2005COAST TO COAST ON BIODIESEL ARRIVES IN VERNONVernon, British Columbia, August 22th, 2005; As the price of fuel reachesnew heights and the number of smog advisories increase, wouldn’t it begreat if there was a fuel that could decrease tailpipe emissions in everydiesel engine on the road today? What if the cost of using this fuel wasthe same as other existing fuels?This summer, Johannes Wheeldon will attempt to go coast to coast onbiodiesel to promote this viable and environmentally friendly alternativefuel. Wheeldon began in Halifax, NS on July 10, 2005 and will continue onto Vancouver, BC using varying biodiesel blends, ranging from B5 (5%biodiesel) to B100 (100% biodiesel).Throughout the journey, Wheeldon is working to develop a Canadian networkof biodiesel enthusiasts. Listed on a new web resource(, these enthusiasts can encourage the use of biodiesel throughout Canada by working to bring biodiesel to their community.
This week, Wheeldon is in Vernon in his cross country journey, filling up and discussing the potential for this fuel with Vernon based Flower Power Oil Inc.
Diesel engines power transport trucks, school and public transport buses,ferries, generators, and an increasing number of passenger vehicles. Biodiesel, an alternative fuel made from vegetable oil, can run in any of these engines and can be mixed with any amount of regular diesel fuel.Today a B20 mixture is the same price as regular diesel, but burns morethan 20 percent cleaner, reducing tailpipes emissions and smog by loweringthe amount of hydrocarbons released when driving.Biodiesel is widely used in Europe and increasingly available in theUnited States. In Canada, while some cities use biodiesel to power busesand other forms of public transportation, it is not widely available toconsumers and is not yet part of any Federal energy reform strategy.Because it can be grown and processed in Canada, used in any diesel engineand significantly reduce pollution, the immediacy of its benefits providebiodiesel with a natural advantage over many other green alternatives.For more information about biodiesel, its uses, and how community groupscan become more involved check out a new web resource(
To follow Johannes’ journey, check out his new blog (
To contact Johannes Wheeldon for media coverage, email him( or call him at 613 863 8578 or contact James Stuart, at Flower Power Oil, or

Facts about Biodiesel:Biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel, produced fromdomestic renewable resources.Biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions, lowers hydrocarbonsand particulate matter.Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at anylevel with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. Biodiesel can be used in diesel engines with no modifications andis simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur. Biodiesel is similar in price to regular petrodiesel and burnscleaner, reducing tailpipe emissions and smog.Four reasons to use Biodiesel:1. By promoting and increasing Canadian made solutions to our energydemands, biodiesel limits our dependence on unstable foreign sources ofoil.2. Biodiesel can be used as heating fuel in any oil-burning furnaceand is an increasingly viable alternative as oil reaches record-highprices.3. Biodiesel could create opportunities for regional investment inthe fuel sector, create new markets for farmers, and increase interest inmore efficient biodiesel production.4. Diesel engines are used in school buses, public transport, boatsand ships, back-up generators, and in passenger cars. Biodiesel can beused for all of these purposes at no extra cost and with importantenvironmental benefits.
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